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编辑时间:2018/1/15  发布时间: 2018/1/15 17:52:09  点击次数: 4174 次

  上海翻译公司给大家提供“一带一路”类表述中英翻译节选    “一带一路”类表述中英翻译节选   1.“一带一路”   Belt and Road Initiative   2. 丝绸之路经济带   Silk Road Economic Belt   3.21世纪海上丝綢之路   21st Century Maritime Silk Road   4.丝路精神   Spirit of the Silk Road   5.丝路基金   Silk Road Fund   6.亚洲基础设施投资银行   Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank   7.推进“一带一路”建设工作领导小组   Steering Group for the Belt and Road Initiative   8.《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝綢之路的愿景与行动》   Joining Hands to Build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21 st-Century Maritime Silk Road — Vision and Actions   9.“五通”   Five-Pronged Approach   10.利益共同体   Community of Shared Interests   11.责任共同体   Community of Shared Responsibility   12.命运共同体   Community of a Shared Future   13.绿色丝绸之路   Silk Road of Green Development   14.健康丝綢之路   Silk Road of Health Cooperation   15.智力丝绸之路   Silk Road of Innovation   16.和平丝绸之路   Silk Road of Peace   17.政策沟通   Policy Coordination   18.设施联通   Connectivity of Infrastructure   19. 贸易畅通   Unimpeded Trade   20.资金融通   Financial Integration   21.民心相通   Closer People-to-People Ties   22.中蒙俄经济走廊   China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor   23.新亚欧大陆桥   New Eurasian Land Bridge   24.中国一中亚一西亚经济走廊   China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor   25.中国一中南半岛经济走廊   China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor   26.中巴经济走廊   China-Pakistan Economic Corridor   27. 孟中印緬经济走廊   Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor   28. 上海合作组织   Shanghai Cooperation Organization   29.中国一东盟“10+1”机制   China-ASEAN (10+1) Cooperation Mechanism   30.亚太经济合作组织   Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation   31.亚欧会议   Asia-Europe Meeting   32.亚洲合作对话   Asia Cooperation Dialogue   33.亚信会议   Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia   34.中阿合作论坛   China-Arab States Cooperation Forum   35.中国一海合会战略对话   China-Gulf Cooperation Council Strategic Dialogue   36.大湄公河次区域经济合作   Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation   37.中亚区域经济合作   Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation   38.中国一中东欧国家合作   Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries   39.中非合作论坛   Forum on China-Africa Cooperation   40.联合国“丝绸之路复兴计划”   United Nations: Silk Road Initiative   41.俄罗斯“欧亚联盟”   Russia: Eurasian Union   42.哈萨克斯坦“光明之路”   Kazakhstan: “Bright Road” Initiative   43.蒙古国“草原之路”   Mongolia: “Steppe Road’’ Program   44. 印度“季风计划”   India: Project Mausam   45.俄印伊“北南走廊计划”   Russia-India-Iran: North-South Corridor   46.欧盟“南部能源走廊”   European Union: Southern Gas Corridor   47.美国“新丝绸之路计划”   United States: New Silk Road Initiative   48.韩国“丝綢之路快速铁路”   South Korea: ‘‘Silk Road Express”   49.日本“丝绸之路外交”   Japan: Silk Road Diplomacy   50.中白工业园   China-Belarus Industrial Park   51.瓜达尔港自由区   Gwadar Port Free Zone   52.科伦坡港口城   Colombo Port City   53.中欧班列   China Railway Express to Europe   54.雅万铁路   Jakarta-Bandung Railway   55.中老铁路   China-Laos Railway   56.中泰铁路   China-Thailand Railway   57.蒙内铁路   Mombasa-Nairobi Railway   58.亚的斯一阿达玛高速公路   Addis Ababa-Adama Expressway   59.卡洛特水电站   Karot Hydropower Project

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